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10 Ways to Celebrate National Cheese Lovers Day

Friday, January 20th is a day dedicated to cheese lovers everywhere. And there are a lot of us out there. In fact, the average American consumes approximately 34 pounds of cheese a year. Now, keep in mind that’s the averageAmerican. I wonder how much the average American cheese loverconsumes. Double that amount? Triple that amount? As a cheese lover, cheese-either as a snack by itself or as an ingredient in a recipe-finds its way into my mouth most days of the week. Cheese…oh how I love thee.

For all of our cheese-loving friends out there we’ve put together a list of 10 ways to celebrate one of our most favorite days of the year.

  1. Put together a cheese board with three of your most favorite cheeses to share with family and friends. (Although we realize that deciding upon your three favorite cheeses might be tough for some of you.)

  2. Set up a new Pinterest board dedicated to all things cheese.

  3. Pour through your cheese cookbooks, or our Deer Creek Diaries blog, to come up with a spectacular cheesy recipe to make.

  4. Buy a cheese that you have not yet tried. Experiment with new and unusual pairings for it.

  5. Surf the internet for cheese-related trips that you can dream about taking someday.

  6. Sign up for a cheese and wine tasting class.

  7. Create a cheese shop tour in your area and make a day out of visiting them, trying their cheeses, and learning from their mongers.

  8. Visit a cheese factory.

  9. Make plans to attend one of the numerous cheese contests or events held throughout the world.

  10. Create a fabulous cheese pic for your Instagram.